Why Do You Need To Know Your Strengths?

Various researchers have shown that, when we know and intentionally utilize our strengths, we are happier, more engaged, more likely to succeed in achieving our goals, and we are more fulfilled in the process.

Based on this, several other people around you, friends, family, colleagues, team members etc also enjoy the benefits of your strengths as you become better in all situations.

According to research;

When we all know our strengths and intentionally utilize them, our group and team relationships become stronger and we all achieve better results.

When we intentionally utilize our strengths at work we are
 74% more engaged at work.

The knowledge, awareness, and utilization of our strengths make us 
31% more productive.

Within a system (Country, community, organization, group, team, family, etc) knowing each other’s strengths makes the entire system 12% more effective and productive

The reasons why I’m able to do all that I do as effectively as I do it is that I know, understand, accept, and intentionally focus on utilizing my 5 CORE STRENGTHS every day, every hour, every minute, and every second to serve humanity.

To get the best from me, place a demand on my 5 CORE STRENGTHS.

To add the most value everywhere you go know, understand, accept, and intentionally focus on utilizing your own 5 CORE STRENGTHS to serve humanity every day at every given opportunity also.


Would you like to know my 5 CORE STRENGTHS?

Would you like to know your own 5 CORE STRENGTHS?


1. COACH – Your objective is to develop people’s potential. Contrary to what others might think, you believe that every person has the potential for development. None of the people have achieved the ultimate level of excellence – there is always space to grow.

You perceive it as a personal mission to help others utilize their potential and to experience success. As a result, you look for ways to facilitate their learning process – from challenging their thoughts in a discussion to creating environments which would facilitate learning process.

You are one of those leaders that really care about the development of team members and they really appreciate it.

2. DELIVERER – Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises – then it’s you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations.

It holds true no matter how small or large the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments.

That’s why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what’ll get on your desk – will get done no matter what.

3. OPTIMIST – Your objective is to bring a positive spirit. If there is someone believing that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty – then it’s you.

Whether it’s a work project or a daily situation – you always manage to find a way to make everything more exciting. You inject enthusiasm into people and that’s why they love to be around you. Sure, there are people who don’t buy your positivity – but could it set you back? No way! Your optimism simply would not allow it! In a team environment, you are generous with praise, grateful for people and circumstances, and quick to find the positive in every situation, which is key in motivating people and mitigating conflicts.

4. EMPATHIZER – Your objective is to be empathetic to others’ emotions. No one can step into the others’ shoes better than you – it comes so naturally to you. You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most importantly you are able to understand what the person is going through.

It allows you to have a personalized approach to everyone, to see their differences and specialties, to include them and to treat them fairly.

Naturally, it draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by making sure all team members are aware of each other’s emotions and challenges.

5. TIME KEEPER – Your objective is to set timelines and deadlines. Because of your dislike of surprises, you love to plan. You don’t necessarily need to control everything and everyone, but there must be order and predictability in the world around you.

You unconsciously impose the structure onto everything by setting up routines, timelines and deadlines. If you set up plans, you make sure you follow them through. Your need for structure becomes very useful in a team or a project since you can bring order and discipline to maintain progress and productivity.

That’s why I created afree test to help you discover your own 5 CORE STRENGTHS and what they really mean.

Naturally start focusing on how best to use your strengths to improve your effectiveness, performance, productivity, profitability and to create competitive advantage for yourself.


I am The Catalyst

I Transform Lives by Transforming Minds



